Thursday, October 19, 2006


You know how every once in awhile do you wonder why the hell you ever subscribed to HBO or other premium channels? I swear if I'm subjected to Meet the Fockers ONE MORE TIME......... Fock Me!

Then you start to consider canceling the service that was originally purchased, so when nothing else was on the other 183 channels you'd have some movie you wanted to see. Invariably, THAT movie appears on one of the stations to which you don't subscribe. Then like an expert drug dealer, they throw you a quarter-bag just as you've sworn off the stuff for good. (Oh I am KIDDING! What would I know about that?) All of the sudden they pull their weight with two of the funniest movies I've come across.

Sixteen Candles

Entertainment Weekly rated the top 50 high school themed movies and this barely eeked into the poll!!!! That g-d awful Pretty in Pink was #1. Are they kidding????? This was so much more quintessential to the high school experience.....and no Andrew McCarthy!

Sixteen Candles was all about the facial looks and throw-away jokes, more so than the obvious ones. Though I love Better Off Dead, this maybe John Cusak's best role, albeit a limited one. Joan Cusak's too - and I don't think she even has a line! The movie is completely quotable and so much more enjoyable than when some lame station like TBS plays it. They will alter less offensive lines but leave in "yes, you're a total fag!". I'm not complaining about that line - it's delivered hilariously, so it really needs to be seen in it's unedited version.

....and it has 'Jake Ryan'. Possibly the only person in the world who could pull off a sweater vest.

What's Up Doc?

It's the best Love American Style episode that never was. Complete farce that works on every level. You'd never think of Ryan O'Neal and Barbara Streisand together (don't mention The Main Event, please!), but it works. And Madeline Kahn has the best film debut ever. Hands down! Again, the movie is completely quotable - and I'm not just saying that because I'm a freak of nature that way. I mean - I am, but that's not why I'm saying it.

Sure, I own both on DVD, but sometimes it is more fun to just come across them while flipping stations and get into their rhythm. And it is a must you not watch them alone, but with friends!!

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