As promised, or threatened - depending on your take - I can now give a recap on the holiday.
It was nice, but pretty low key. Just the way we like it. Enough family stuff and friend stuff to make it memorable, but enough alone time too.
The night before, we spent at my sisters. It was the day after my dad's birthday and the day of my mother's. No structure, not really - but it was all good. And lots of good food we all just brought. Now, I like going because I get to do some hang-time with my sister's dog, Petey. He's the best beagle ever (sorry Mort).

We then came home to our own home - and our tree.
Then the next morning we did something better than the cereal and oatmeal we would normally have breakfast. We attempted (and succeeded) in making Eggs Benedict. Not too shabby - as you can see.

She is as even as big as our new dog!
I doubt that would happen when and if we ever get a real dog. Maybe we will. With the new job I can work from home, so maybe to acclimate everyone we can try it then. Maybe.
But we did have a great dinner with Becca. And a few hours of just shooting the shit. It's never enough time, so we enjoy every moment we have together.
That was the holiday in a nutshell.
Song by: Don Dixon & Marti Jones
The double decker bed is hilarious - that Petey!!
A nice holiday, it looks like. Happy for you boys. Love that little puppy laying in the bed.
Sorry, but Georgie is the best. Looks like happy times.
Thanks for the hotlink! Keep up the good work!
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