On our evening walk yesterday, we ran into folks from a few blocks over: Tish & Mark. We love them. They're fun and funny and just very easy going.
This is unfortunate because Shep does not like Mark. He barks like a banshee (sometimes) when he sees him. Mark loves dogs but cannot have one as Tish is allergic - even to doodles.
Sometimes our conversations on our walks are limited due to Mr. Barky Pants.
We haven't seen them in a week or so, but as we approached each other Tish delicately asks (and I'm paraphrasing) "how's the news treating you these days?"
We all knew what she meant.
There was a pause and an awkward laugh, but then I said, "well, I've stepped back off the cliff. I'm feeling this (visualize two fingers barely apart) much more hopeful than I was a week ago."
Mark quips: "I'd vote for your dog before I voted for "BLOTUS"".
Naturally, we had a fun back and forth over, "but Shep doesn't like you", to which he replied, "I know, and I'd still vote for him".
But it's true. While I have successfully avoided ANY newspaper or news show, and maybe because of that, I do feel "this" much more optimistic. My sister - who is arguably more fatalistic than I - thinks there is no way VonShitzhisPanz can win. I do hope she is correct.
There seems to be an energy now that did not exist with Pappy Joe's campaign.
Let's hope it remains.
Song by: Crosby, Stills & Nash
I'd vote for Shep before I'd vote for the felon. I and I have never met your dog.
Exhausted and Tired of politics. Let’s take a month off.
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