Friday, September 19, 2008

Site of the Month

A few months ago, I did a site of the month for Dickipeida and then way way back I did WookiePedia.

I guess Wiki is just going to drive my SotMs every now and again. That's ok.

I actually found this from my friend, Brad. I had heard that Sarah Palin's personal email address had been hacked, but since I was traveling, I had not really heard any details. Brad says this is where he found it: Wikileaks.

As for Palin's email - g-d, I hope she really was conducting government business on a personal address in an attempt to get around freedom of information of elected officials. She really is a twat.

I mean - not really as stupid as McCain not knowing the difference between Spain and Mexico.

Anyhoo - there are a number of leaked and underreported stories via Wikileak - for the conspiracy theorist in all of us.

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