Thursday, March 20, 2008

Spring is Here

....well, not here!

Technically, yes, it is Spring, but we got about 3" of snow yesterday. It sure don't look like or feel like Spring. But that's typical for the NorthCoast - but the word 'spring' just makes you want it soooo much.

The reality is - we're still a month a way from decent weather. Note I did not say 'good weather'. That's two months away.

Today is also the day Blobby's Blog turns 5. Hard to frickin' believe. As I think I mention every year, I started this at the start of Gulf War II. Sadly, not only does this blog still exist - so does the war. My hunch is the latter will go on much longer than the former.

While I might have bored some of you to death with my writings, my rantings and my "humour" - none of it has been literal (least of all my writing!!!! ......thank you ladies and germs...).

I can't say that about GWII. To date, there have been 3,992 american soldier deaths (and one still pending). 4,300 total for the coalition of the "willing". Yeah - the U.S. has about 93% of all the casualties. This does not count the U.S. deaths in Afghanistan......or the 1,000+ warmonger contractor deaths.

Mind you - Iraqi deaths are past the 48,200 mark.

So I can't bitch about the weather. None of these guys will ever seen another Spring. The guy who sent them there will be riding out the rest of his Springs, doing public speaking at $100,000 a pop with a lifetime of Secret Service protection. g-d knows he'll need it.

Song by: Rogers & Hart


rebecca said...

The "willing" -- it makes them sound so cringing, doesn't it?

Hey, have you ever noticed what comes up when you go to Funny.

RJ March said...

Happy Fifth, my friend.