Sunday, June 17, 2007


I'm not unproud, but it might be a stretch to say I'm prideful.

I don't boast my gayness, but I don't boast a lot of things. Does this make me a bad person? (that is rhetorical - so just shut the fuck up.)

Yesterday we attended Cleveland Pride, though we had not participated for a number of years. Some due to weather, work, illness, travel or that it always falls on Father's Day Weekend. My father is in his late 80s and yes, we spend that day with him. Excuses all - some convenient, some not. But from my last Pride attendance, I don't remember it being anything to rush back for. Or as Dr. Matt said when he chose not to attend: "it is just tragic."

Unfortunately, he's not entirely wrong.

At the act of Rebel Girl, there was nary a non-lesbian watching the concert. All the men were at the beer garden. Fuck - 84% of all attendees were at the beer garden. But to be fair, except for the concert where else was there to go? Clearly not here:

This had to be the saddest place at the event...mostly for the folks volunteering at the booth. It had to be the hardest gig on site.

Ironically, there was very little socialization opportunities outside of the beer garden and little niche groups. If you don't drink (or too young to get into the beer garden), you were pretty much left to fend for yourself....or shop at the crappy stands. When did Pride become primarily a vendor fair? That was kind of sad to see. Elephant ears, corn dogs, italian sausages and the likes - and I'm not talking about anything dirty here folks....unless you are a cardiologist.

Maybe it is a Cleveland thing. Maybe it's an age thing. Maybe it is a combo. I remember enjoying these things when I lived in Columbus. I do think it is important to attend to show we are out there in numbers. I don't drink like I used to (nor at 12p - 5p), nor do I only listen to blaring 168bpm disco.

The Beer Garden

Everywhere else

Oh oh oh, and I saw two people from my office there. Yes, I was 92% sure they were gay, but we've never had that conversation....and there is more on that later in another post coming.

That all being said - it was a pretty day and good to roam around and see what and who was out and about. It wasn't always pretty, but allegedly there were 7500 attendees...which is about 3000 more than was reported last year. Two being us.

The world is a diverse place, and you can see this in Pride events - to a degree. Nowhere more do you see the gay community as segregated within itself as someplace like Pride. Our sub-sets rarely, if ever, intermingle. Twinks. Bears. Lesbians. Lesbian Percussion players (I kid you not). Leather. People of colour. This is not a community - just several separate small communities. I guess we are just like everyone else.

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