Unsurprisingly, yet continually disappointed, the number of harassing on-line posts, post election, have greatly increased. Many, if not most, about / towards women.
But please GOPers, tell me how this wasn't an election about hate. I'm waiting.
There are hundreds or thousands of men / boys with their oh so clever, "Your Body, MY Choice" tweets, tik toks, whatever else they use posts.
You'd think it is just bravado, but when some of these are getting over a millions views and "likes", it really is fucking troublesome.
There's already a sexual offender on the Supreme Court. And if they are white boys, like Brock Turner*, clearly judges look the other way (he completed only 3 months of ONLY a 6 month sentence). Oh - and a sex offender about to occupy the White House for a second time. ....and he embarrassingly doesn't have the technique to fellate a microphone.
Still - while the judicial system might not punish these human garbage dumps, there are enough people (with knowhow) in society who will. And are.
I am still so angry these days, I have ZERO remorse or loss on conscience if they ruin his life. TOTALLY ruin it. Family. Friends. School. Work.
I don't care if he did it as a "joke". That is now on him.
He doesn't have to be physically harmed. But I don't want him walking into his office, or a Starbucks, without having to face the women who are in those places - and hopefully the males who are allies. And here's fucking hoping his boss is female.
This feels like the first win of this week. I want the women of the web (and the men) to keep calling out these shitheads. RUIN THEM.
*I am committed to keeping Brock Turner's name out there, in about one post per year, for all search engines to keep snagging that name so everyone knows BROCK TURNER IS A RAPIST!
Song by: Robert Palmer
women save us; save yourselves - for the men will not do it.
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