The tv is (still) off. If election results are coming in, I haven't seen.
My sister and niece have sent vague texts about Ohio leaning blue in some races, then retracting the statement. They don't say what office, what county or city.
I'd think if it were senate or White House level stuff, they'd have been more specific and more boisterous either way.
I really don't know the outcome. Clearly.
I can't bring myself to turn on the tv, and yet, I don't want to hear 710 breaking the news to me when we wake up. That was devastating in 2016. .....and I was stronger emotionally and mentally then. Now, not so much.
Blobby ingested an edible around 17:30. It's mellowed me out a bit, but done nothing more for me. I suppose it doesn't have the ability to place me in an alternate universe. That'd be asking a lot.
Oh, WP is giving me text updates with electoral counts. I'm not sure I want those. Soon my phone will be in snooze mood and I won't / can't see them.
I live in Cuyahoga County, so it will be blue - it always is. But when I picked up Shep from daycare, one polling station had 400-500 folks in line waiting to vote. 15:30. Traditionally, that is not a busy time of day. I'm taking that as a good sign.
Maybe today should have been a Cooking post? That seems disingenuous and that I'm glossing over things. Perhaps I should be. I don't know we will have answers tonight - whether they are ones I want or do not.
I cannot even fucking believe it is close.
Song by: Hozier
Good Morning , It Wednesday
I can't believe it either. I can't believe Sherrod lost and Trump won. I can't believe Robert Kennedy may have a say in literally anything health related. And that my daughter and I are second-class citizens. And the list goes on. What a disgusting country we have become.
Stay strong,
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