Monday, November 04, 2024

My Music Monday

I was trying to think of something election related, but then I just thought better. 

Arcadia's "Election Day" came to mind and I sampled it, but it sounded better in 1985. Or at least that is what I remembered. It's truly a horrible song - Simon LeBon notwithstanding. 

I opted for nothing related to this election. Or any. It's not like we need to be reminded it's happening. Am I right?

So I'm going back to 2012 (or maybe earlier?) for xx's "Crystalised". 

I dunno - it's just providing the vibe and the level of energy I can muster right now. There is nothing super complicated or sophisticated in the writing, playing or recording of this song and it works!

It's nice to rediscover songs. 

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