Saturday, June 21, 2008

War of Man

Not that the political 'season' didn't kick off over a year ago, but there will be no slowing down on it until after the courts decide a winner. ....well, you don't think the popular vote or the electoral college will have anything to say about it anymore - do you?

I assume I will vote for Obama in November, but in no circumstance could I ever conjure up where I would vote for McCain. I wasn't a big fan of his in 2000 when he ran, but as I saw clip of some pundit the other day saying the McCain of 2000 would never endorse the McCain of 2008.

It is quite amazing how much of one's self and soul would be sold for a chance to inhabit the White House. I am sure I've said it before - but imagine the ego. I really don't think it is about 'change' or making a difference in the world. It's 100% ego.

I haven't seen any Obama ads running yet in Ohio. Or if I have, they aren't memorable. And I have only seen on McCain ad. One that I don't truly get at all.

Is there a message here? War, Bad? I don't think so. ....though with the first line of the ad, I think he just called W a 'fool or a fraud'. Or both. ......and you can't argue with that one.

Yeah, his grandfather, father and himself went to war. He doesn't like it. We get it. I also get that he neglects to mention that he wants to keep troops in Iraq until at least 2013. He can't hate it that much.

But this is what I'm expecting of the 2008 election - lots of 32 second ads that say absolutely nothing.

Song by: Neil Young

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