So two nights ago I had a dream. Yes, a weird dream. Do I have any other kind?
In the dream, I was about to have sex with this guy I know.....or should say have 'known'. Biblically. But this was a long long long long time ago. Where and how I pulled him back in my sleep-state is beyond me.
Anyhoo...we were about to do 'it' in my parent's bedroom. ICK. ....on so many levels. (seriously - if nothing else, the decor is beyond dated!)
Just as we were about to do 'it', somewhere in the background Carmen Ohio came on....and I had to stop what I/we were doing and sing it.
I woke up with a boner. I'm not sure if it was from the almost simulated sex or the song. Or both.
What? TMI?
Anyway, OSU had nothing to sing about. Not last night. I'm disappointed, but not surprised.
How firm thy friendship, indeed!
Song by: any chorale group or drunk football crowd @ Ohio State
I sat here for ten minutes last night, staring at the empty comment box.
I just don't know what to say about this one.
It was funny, though.
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