Wednesday, July 04, 2007

G-d Fucking Damnit (pt II)

Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid and Howard Dean all emailed ME today asking for something in regards to Scooter. As usual - only Howard asked for money. The other two wanted a petition signed.

But here within lies the problem with the DNC and the Dems - they can't seem to get it together and coordinate this shit. So instead of one mass effort - which may or may not even make an impact - everyone has their own separate petition for their own self-serving purpose. Cause nothing looks more damning or well orchestrated than 21 different petitions with 5000 signatures each. (sarcasm folks...100% pure sarcasm!)

And then there's Howard! Seriously, I'm all for contributing to the right candidate/cause - but to give money because Shrub commuted Scoot's sentence? What are they going to do with the funds? Pay off legal experts who say that W can't do that? Are they going to go back in time to make sure Shrub doesn't win the 2004 election?

If you read this blog back in 2004 - you know I loved Dr. Gov. Dean. I was a huge supporter when no one else thought he had a chance. And he has done some ok things as head of the DNC - but 'ok' isn't going to cut it for '08. It should be the DNC spearheading this shit and giving Chuck, Harry and the likes some true direction and directives.

Get it together guys!

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