Sunday, February 18, 2007

Knit Pick

Knitting. Ugh. Sooooo not my style. Heck, I cannot even thread a needle, so what do I know? But apparently others love love love love it.

The hat you see in my profile pic was knitted by Ditto for me. Rebecca and her mother, Eileen (hi Mrs. Flowers!), knit also. Bloggers seem to love knitting too. There are quite a few blogs dedicated to knitting and purling. I even had one for my site of the month back in October.

Now we can one more to the list. Rebecca has started her, count 'em, THIRD, concurrent blog: Sharing Needles. It's a great name - no? Personally, I would have gone for Cher-ing Needles. But that would be too gay. This one is a multi-authored blog that includes Dity and Lori (whom I have never met). Why she is excluding her one and only mother as a contributor is anyone's guess. Maybe Eileen can do guest appearances.

A group of us discussed image ideas that thought would be funny for the blog graphic, but it's not (currently) being used. Becky will be killing me for actually posting this - but so be it. I love it. Absolutely love it. I didn't visualize yarn as the tourniquet yet it makes it so much better. Yes, the knitting needle kind of looks like a drumstick, but I think everyone gets the idea. I didn't even know there were wooden needles, I thought they were all aluminum. Who knew?

In WordPress form, I have their new blog linked. In Blogger form, I do not. I'm still attempting to figger out how to export the WP blog to the Blobby's Blog url.


Sue said...

I think the photo is a hoot too. They can't use it? Why for not? It is just too funny.

PS - I hate knitting too. But I like the results. My mom knitted me a sweater I just adore.

rebecca said...

First of all, I'm in pajamas. Secondly, the photo is depressing. Thirdly, I can't let my mother or my daughters see it!!!

Blobby said...

No one but me would have known those were your PJs until you told them.

And maybe you shouldn't have called your site 'Sharing Needles' and called it something more benign - like Needle Biopsy.