Thursday, February 01, 2007


I don't think anyone (and I do mean ANYONE) would probably consider me a prude. Oh sure, I might cringe my nose when someone brings up Dirty Sanchez, but hey, whatever floats your boat. (yet do you know anyone who has ever done such a thing? I think not!)

Though I know I am not the only one, I've always had some weird thing for picking a good band name out of just normal conversational phrases. They always seem good and/or funny at the time, but it is safe to say that I have not taken the energy to commit any of them to memory....which is saying something.

Every once in awhile you come across a real band name that just gives one pause. While reading one of the local rags yesterday, I noticed an ad for a band that will be appearing at the Grog Shop, which is a neighborhood venue for smaller and unestablished acts. This upcoming March, a band you are sure to never ever ever ever never ever ever to hear on the radio, see on any video station or in a large print ad. Ever.

wait for it.....

wait for it....

ANAL CUNT!!!! the exclamation points are mine.

...and for g-d's sake, even THEY have a wikipedia link. Am I the ONLY one who doesn't??

There is no, there is, but it's not linked to the band, much like is not linked to the sporting goods chain. (go ahead, type them. I know you want to!)

I'll assume they are not easy-listening or MOR when their albums are 40 Reasons to Hate Us, Everyone Should be KILLED and It Just Gets Worse.

Any reference to them coming to Cleveland was certainly omitted from the Grog Shop's Plain Dealer ad today. There were the bands appearing on 3/10 and 3/12, but the PD would have you believe there is no band on 3/11. Prudes, I tellz ya.

Oh - and don't you just love their logo?


Sue said...

Lemme guess... They are shock rockers?

Anonymous said...

More like Toxic Shock Rockers

rebecca said...

This post kinda scares me.