Sunday, September 29, 2024

This Protector

4-5 more weeks of these. Though in 2020 I did a few rounds of political signs I saw in the 'hood. I haven't seen many of those yet, but should I, there might be a substitute post in there instead of this trolling post - which I admit, I kind of enjoy.......and yet hate that I have to do them, but.............whatta gonna do? 

Early voting in Ohio starts in nine days. Yay!!!

Blobby's first created meme.  Yay me!!!
It has yet to go viral. 

Greg M is the first of my readers to submit a meme. 
The door is still open for those who want to contribute. 

This This This. 
People keep talking about his grifting. I'm sure he's selling $6 Timex watches to pocket the rest in "campaign funding"


I cannot tell you how much I like this one. It says so much on so many levels. 

Shillybilly Vanilli at it again. Still. 

Song by: the White Stripes


Raybeard said...

Just realising that JVD (yes, I know!) could very well be one last stinking breath away from automatically being declared POTUS ought to be enough to make even those of BLOTUS' present manic followers think twice about the way they vote - but it won't.

James Dwight Williamson said...

They aren’t any better seeing them the second and third times. Absentee Ballots coming soon and early voting October 21st

Travel said...

How any woman or anyone related to a woman could ever vote for him, is beyond my understanding.

Ur-spo said...
