Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Don't Talk

By the time you read this, "the" debate will be over. Whether I watch any of it is still in question - though it's supposed to kick off in four minutes. 

When Pappy Joe bowed out, I mentioned now I'd have to watch the debate.  I'm not so sure anymore. 

My almost lack of news has been helpful to my anxiety and depression, but you know - it's all still there. Escaping it completely - the news or the malaise - is quite impossible these days. 

The thought of having to listen to "that man" is just beyond my abilities to remain sane. If I've learned anything from the other debates he's been in, moderators have never been able to contain him or force him to stick to whatever rules they have - nor do they fact check and stop him, or any candidate, in their tracks. 

And as it starts late, if I hear all that and get upset (which I will), sleeping semi-soundly is off the table (which it will be). 

I'm sure social media will be all about this and that tomorrow. I can get the gist of it then, though everyone's views will be tainted. To be fair, the debate will be tainted and I can say that with certainty without watching a second of it. 

Even writing about it has my blood pressure raised. 

Anymore - and I've said this before - I'm not sure what purpose these debates has anymore. There is no swaying of voters in this contentious and divided political landscape.  There is no exchange of ideas or policies. I mean, on the surface there is, but it devolves so easily and so quickly it's about jabs and in the case of VonShitsinPantz, defaming, name-calling and out and out lying.....via shouting. 

So, we are now five past the hour and my tv set remains darkened. And shall remain that way. 

Song by: 10,000 Maniacs

1 comment:

Travel said...

It was a good evening to watch "Paris Bistro Cooking." Edward made French onion soup.