Thursday, May 03, 2007

On The Radio

Whoa Whoa Whoa On the Internet Radio

Andrew brought something to my attention that he'd like to share. He doesn't have access to the dozens of people who visit here. Apparently there are still dozens of folks who listen to internet radio. I used to be one of them...but with my new job, that's all kind of fallen away. But no reason others shouldn't still enjoy it. So I'm posting an email that he sent to me:

I thought I'd campaign a bit to save something I really love - independent radio stations that broadcast over the internet.

Right now I'm listening to the WHRB 60-hour Brahms orgy. Where
else but over the internet?

The Copyright Royalty Board has imposed these heavy and somewhat
irrational royalty requirements on internet radio providers.
They need to pay royalties to performers (regular commercial
radio stations only pay royalties to composers). Now they've
jacked up the fees so high that most of the small, independent
stations will almost certainly need to shut down their web

This will likely shut down services like Pandora, too, for those
of you who are fans.

There should be some sort of link attached to this, to write to
your congressman in support of a bill that would overturn the
Copyright Royalty Board decision. I hope you will. Please also
forward this to anyone you think might be interested.

If you want more info, here are a few links.

Net Radio Royalty Appeal. Internet Radio Equality Act. MYDD story. DMW Media.

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