Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Yet another installment in the drudgery that is everyday shopping. The camera-phone makes it a bit more fun - though I get looks whenever I take pics of products. Like I care what people think!

Candy cancer sticks! Who knew?

I haven't seen these around forever. I didn't even know they still existed - and was kind of surprised they still do.

I remember my father bringing chocolate cigarettes home to us kids from Fanny Farmer. Or the gum cigarettes that were wrapped in paper, but coated in a powder that for a second or two, it looked like a puff of smoke coming from your candy cigarette. And then there were always the bubble gum cigars.

Both my parents smoked heavily, so I don't think anyone ever gave it a second thought not to get them for us. I think the amazing thing was, I rarely ever pretended to smoke them. Hell, it was candy! I loved love candy. The more amazing thing is - I never smoked. Well, not never never. I tried a few - but really, how does one get past the first or second cigarette to think it is sooooo good? Another reason I wasn't a good pot smoker either, I suppose.

Two things struck me w/this 'product'. One was that it was in the check-out aisle in the grocery store. The place all kids want something as their parents are trying to get out of the store. Talk about your impulse items!! The more striking thing was, it was in a grocery store I rarely go to - and it is predominately african-american. What does it say that vendors hawk these things at non-white supermarkets? I honestly don't think Giant Eagle would or could sell these at all, let alone at the check-out. I should have taken notice to see if the candy is by RJ Reynolds. It would not surprise me in the least!

One other thing: The brand is 'Lucky', but the horseshoe would have to be turned around for all the luck not to run out. .....and there was on faux surgeon general warning on the package.


Anonymous said...

Well at least they're teaching children the importance of smoking "Lights". That way you only die lightly of lung cancer.

Anonymous said...

If they're predominantly offered in African American markets, then they really should be menthol cigs.