Tuesday, January 21, 2025

If We Were Vampires

"It's knowing that this can't go on forever / Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone / Maybe we'll get forty years together / But one day I'll be gone or one day you'll be gone."

I think of this lyric a lot. I have since I first heard this song years ago.

Today 710 and I hit 'forty years together'. 

I'd say 'ugh' but that's more of a thought of time passing (and time left) than with whom I'm passing said time. 

40 years is a fuck of a long time. There is just no way around that. I was probably wearing two Swatch watches at the time. The horror!

I know I'm a better man / person because of 710. Better half, if you will. He is kinder, nicer, gentler than I. He is funnier than you'd expect, which kind of makes him even more funny due to that. 

Over the years here, I've said we had tough and trying times with the relationship. That was a long time ago, but things that have stuck with us from which we've learned - and learned not to forget or take for granted. 

I always feel weird when someone asks how long we've been together. You can see them start to do math in their head. I was 21; he 24. Obviously, at the time, we didn't know it would be a lifetime thing. Who does at that age?

When we married in 2010, the vows you've heard so many times about sickness/health, richer/poorer etc actually meant something. We had lived all of that in the 25 years we had been together before tying the knot. Couples who get married after being together for 2-3 years and saying those things truly are going through the motions. Those words brought us to tears. 

"Maybe time running out is a gift / I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift / And give you every second I can find / And hope it isn't me who's left behind."

I have also said in this here blog, I want to go first, just like the lyric says. It is 100% selfish and I recognize that. I try not to think about the time we have left, but hitting 60 just makes me feel old(er). We talk about age more. I don't know how we survive without each other - though billions of other couples have done it in the past. I try not to dwell on that. 

710 is confident he'll go first, just due to my genetics. He's usually right about so much, so here is hoping he is wrong on this one. 

The idea is to spend our time in the present and loving and appreciating each other - even though I know I make it difficult. There is a LOT of eye rolling on his part - and it is deserved. 

As you probably know, our anniversary / wedding dates do not match up. I somewhat regret that, but what are you gonna do?  January dates suck mostly due to the weather. 

We have nothing planned for today. Absolutely nothing. 

We had opted for a nice dinner out, as we rarely do that anymore. But it will be below 0°F. That does not sound like fun. And I think we would have done it, but Shep has a minor procedure at the vet tomorrow, so we are spending the evening with him. 

We will attempt dinner this weekend. I think we know which restaurant we will want to patronize. 

I'd like to say we are on our way to closing in on the Golden Anniversary, but we'll also be past 70 years old.........and that is just weirding me out.  I'm assuming if we are still ambulatory then, we'll do somethign special. 

You won't be able to hold me to that though. 

I don't often do this, but here is a link to the blog title song that goes along with the lyrics. 

The title image is thanks for Meredith, and is from November 2000. 

Song by: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit


Travel said...

Happy 40th, enjoy each day, each month, each year together.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Big Congratulations!

Elle Clancy said...

Congratulations! You are very lucky to have each other.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Remember, please remain seated until the ride comes to a full and complete stop.

Will Jay

Anonymous said...

Well, i congratulate you on recognizing you have a good thing today, BTW I saw j. Isbell , his wife and John Prine in concert at UK and they were as good as it gets ====Glenda in Ky.

kent said...

congrats on the forty. How true about your wedding words. Its is truly meaningful when one as lived through the ins and outs.