Saturday, January 25, 2025


It's been a long frigid week.  At one point going to -12.0 °F, and it felt like it (colder with the wind chill). A few times, if the sun came out and there was no wind, the sub-zero seemed almost tolerable. 


It was a bad week to have the vet remove two bumps from Shep - which were biopsied a week or so ago and were deemed precancerous. The procedure went well and he's fine. I assumed this procedure would be more dermatologic-like but it was pretty extensive. 

I feel bad for the poor guy. So, he's had constant oversight since and will until his follow up in 10 days. This is his first cone since we've had him. I'm assuming he had one when he got neutered, but he was probably in the kennel for that - and not having stairs, doorways and furniture he has to navigate. He's adapting pretty well. 

So, on with the slide show. 

Shep giving what for to a bronze statue of a mule - which stands along the Ohio Erie Canal. 

Stylin' in his new Carhartt outerwear. I LOVE the corduroy collar.

No guilt. Right in front of me. 

Shep trying to relax the day after surgery. 

Simon not sure what the hell is going on. 

Simon likes the heat from the radiator below. Why wouldn't he?

I'm sorry, but the jacket just kills me. 

Song by: Nick Lowe


GregM said...

Glad to hear Shep's okay (and I love the jacket!). Back in August, my vet found a Mast Cell Tumor on Brenda that she aspirated and found to be cancerous (boxers are very prone to these). She's not a surgeon so she sent me to another vet who said she wanted to look at a few more "lumps and bumps" on Brenda while she was under anesthesia. Well, nine excisions later (seven of which were cancer), she came home looking like Frankenstein's monster.

Morty said...

Love the jacket!

Travel said...

In that last photo, that is a face that is easy to love.

Happyman said...

Shep in Carhartt. Swoon :)

James Dwight Williamson said...

The jacket compensates for his butt freezing

James Dwight Williamson said...

Nice warm Jacket , I have an LL Bean Barn Coat with corduroy , we could be twins