Monday, January 20, 2025

My Music Monday

I half-heartedly tried to tie this inauguration day into today's post, but I just couldn't even start to fathom how that might work - or make me feel. 

Then I thought of something related with MLK day, but that was equally as daunting. 

So, I'm doing a pseudo repeat that does actually tie into the former part of my challenge. 

The third Monday of January is considered the most depressing day of the year - also called "Blue Monday". 

I honestly cannot think of a more depressing day and event colliding than with the third Monday than it is doing right now in the U.S. .  It's just mind-numbing.

So, years ago, I did New Order's "Blue Monday" before...... Once by the band on a "Blue Monday". Once as a cover - which was very original. 

New Order has remixed and released the song in so many iterations, though not really altering it, they are tough to keep straight.  There is the original (1983), then the 1987 remix, the 8D audio version, 1988 and 2016 remixes as well. And that's just some of them. 

I'm going with a mostly instrumental version that was on the 2nd disk of their 1987 Substance disk (which was mostly a music version of the songs - sans lyrics), and it's titled "the Beach" - which if you know the original song, those two words appear in the lyrics. 

Honestly, it's been eons since I've taken Ecstasy, but this almost makes me want to do it once again and just dance. A sad dance for sure.......but that's only on the inside. 


Raybeard said...

Despite the sun currently shining, today is the dullest of days - for the reason of what's happening over there in a few hours time. Just wanna speedily get passed it. (Next 4 years I mean!)

James Dwight Williamson said...

Definitely not a day for music and celebration, reflection and planning is what I will do , and avoid any media that doesn’t show at least 30 year old male skin.

Rick said...

I decided to forego any news today and at the moment I am watching ID channel's "Evil Lives Here" which seems appropriate.