Friday, January 10, 2025

In Flames

I honestly don't even know what to say about Los Angeles and their devastating fires. 

The pictures of the fire are so powerful. 

The pictures of the aftermath is just horrific. 

Honestly, it's so apocalyptic no just with hundreds of abandoned cars on Sunset Blvd, but now earth movers plowing through them to make passage for emergency vehicles. 

Seeing pictures of what used to be Malibu or any of the Pacific Palisades is just unfathomable.  16,000 acres per day - so far; gone. 

In the midst of this, home insurance agencies are cancelling plans as the fire rages. I mean, WTF. 

I suppose in this environment, like I've said before, it's gloves off, no one gives a shit because there are no repercussions. 

As with all natural disasters, BLOTUS just had to politicize it. He doesn't have an once of compassion or empathy in his body. I can't say his mind, because, well.........     Still, what a dick. 

And wasn't it he who said he could stop the west's drought with the big faucet in Canada.  (He did - September 13, 2024.). 

I TRIPLE dog dare any reporter to bring that up to him. 

I know very few people anymore in Los Angeles. Five, I think. Three have been accounted for, the other two have been quiet, but I suspect updating people are the least of their worries. 

I know the Santa Ana winds are partially to blame for the intensity of this fire, but fuck, it's not even Southern California's fire season. How can climate change not have some role in this? But we are about to embark on another administration who isn't going to pay heed to that - and actually contribute more to it, so we are fucked. 

Stop praying for these people. Prayers won't help. And it's too late for 9000 homes and businesses already. If you believe in g-d, this is old testament shit, not Jebus will save you. I've yet to see "him" save anyone. 

Song by: Afghan Whigs


Travel said...

The next couple of years are going to often leave us speechless.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Hurricanes and fires are both Natural disasters , my heart breaks for both of these victims. Insurance companies and their 🍒 cherrypicking greed needs to stop. File a claim lose your insurance.