I suppose that would be 'depression'.
This makes for sad music.
Sad-ish reading too. I'm about to start my sixth book of the month today. Let's hope it's a little more up than the last five. I mean, no book on Josef Mengele is going to be a laugh-riot, you know?
The others have all been fiction - some with more updated references that still reflect (or include) some of today's political landscape - as is this new one which I'll be cracking today.
Anyway, back to music.
Years ago I whittled down my XM stations, to lower my bill, there are certain times of the year they provide me all stations. They do this for a week or two, I'm assuming to entice me to re-up with all 13,091 stations - 99% for which I have no need or want.
The last time happened around t-giving and they never took any away, though it seems my pricing did not change. I'm sure it will come back to bite me.
I'm normally not a fan of one artist stations. Does Phish need their own (no!)? Does Pearl Jam (no!)? Does Jimmy Buffet (fuck no!)? The only one I let slide is Tom Petty. But lately I've been stopping on Bruce Springsteen's channel - especially if the selections are from Nebraska or the River. These are two of Springsteen's more down disks.
I like both disks. The former is very stripped down, just Springsteen, no E Street Band. The latter has the band, but the songs that stand out are the non-radio ready songs....like the title track.
I was torn between "the River' and Nebraska's "Highway Patrolman". While I love the latter, it might even be too down for you. But at some point you should give it a listen.
I'll go with the title track to the River. It's unofficially a sequel to "Thunder Road". Where that was an upbeat song, this is the reality of "Thunder Road"'s after the fact.
Great song & album
Looking forward to a happy Monday, we will outlive HWSNBN, that Monday can be something from the Wizard of Oz movie.
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