Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Like a Hurricane

You know, the GOP makes it hard for me to care about anyone who is hit by Hurricane Helene, or the upcoming Milton. 

They are more than just toying with people's devastation for the November election. But you know, since the majority of those people put those politicians in office, my heartstrings will only play so far and for so long. 

I simply amazes me that people will continually vote against their own interests. And if they think this round of storms is bad, just wait if VonShitsinPants get in office again and FEMA is neutered. BLOTUS has already made the "joke" that, (and I'm paraphrasing) "oh well, there will be more beach front property".  He cares not an iota about you. 

I will give it to the inland folks - to a degree - who never expected this kind of fuckuppery from mid-state and up into the mountains. It sucks to be them. But still...........climate change deniers live everywhere, don't they. 

Pedophile Matt Gaetz (no, I'm not even putting "alleged" in front of that) publicly whined about not getting enough financial support for the "Florida man in grave need of assistance....". 

First off - he wrote the Tweet "to Congress". This might surprise even him, but Matt Gaetz is a member of Congress. I don't think he really knows how the House and Senate work, but you know....he's trolling the Claire's Boutiques and study halls for a "date". 

Secondly - it is no coincidence he singled out a gender - because there is a requirement to stick to GOP by-laws on not mentioning women unless court-ordered. 

Lastly - and this kind of really super important:  there was a FEMA bill up in front of the House to the tune of $18+ BILLION dollars. Gaetz voted AGAINST it. Every Florida GOP representative voted AGAINST it.   

So FUCK YOU FLORIDA is 100% what they said. 

Maybe they care about those grave Floridian men (I'm mean, not the women, obvi), but they don't care enough to faux make it look like the current administration isn't doing enough for "their" citizens. 

The bill passed, no thanks to those fucktards. But you see how they're skewing the story and these people are hurt and in need and need someone to blame. ....and the GOP has given it to them, however incorrectly. 

Still, they'd rather jeopardize the bill and funding for their own so-called constituents (see, they don't really feel the represent anyone, if they did more things would go the way of public opinion) to get a soon to be dictator in office. 

The problem for the Floridas, North Carolinas and such are - these aren't new leaders who have duped their voting public. You know who these politicians are, how they vote, what they do - and yet, you keep fucking electing and re-electing them.  

My problem with these storms is the election. Mail / ballots not being sent out timely - if at all. People's houses obliterated and uninhabitable, unable to get their ballots, or to polling stations. Everyone is going to call 'foul' and extend this fucking election out well past even Georgia's hand count. 

Yes, these storms are horrific for these states. Towns literally wiped away. It's difficult to see all over the place - and still more to come later this week. Still, if I have to see another fucking picture of linemen restoring power and see the caption:  "they're doing g-d's work" I will barf. 

They most certainly are not. They're doing overtime, which in the same week BLOTUS said he'd fire people before they got to get OT and replace them with someone else. He refuses to pay OT. 

G-d's work WAS the hurricane. It's funny how they never think that. 

It is wake-up time for these voters. Not react time - which they will do with their ballot - but actual see who had done what for you and for how long and vote accordingly. 

I know it won't happen - and then it really will be on them. I'd like to be more compassionate, but it's been drained out of me these last years. 

Song by: Neil Young


Travel said...

If it snows in North Dakota on election day, election day is still election day. Florida has the government they deserve . . . I will never live there again. You are right if there is a god, the weather is more his thing.

James Dwight Williamson said...

Fix gerrymandering in Ohio and call me when hurricanes start coming off the Great Lakes 😊♥️😊