Friday, October 11, 2024

We Care a Lot

I have no great words of wisdom about coming out. (oh, it's National Coming Out Day.) I have posted before about coming out any number of times. 14 years ago (!!!)  I did my submission for the "It Gets Better" campaign.  How has it been that long??

I know next to nothing about how kids come out these days. It feels like there is more of it happening. It feels like it's happening at a younger age. It feels like it is more prevalent. I have zero stats on this. Absolutely nothing to back this up. Maybe social media just exposes it more than before. 

I would venture to guess coming out is not an easier process. 

Yes, that sounds counterintuitive, but I don't think it is. 

It is possible it's a more welcoming environment and there are a lot more resources available to kids, but the mental gymnastics that go on in our heads leading up to that announcement can range somewhere between daunting to horrific. People might make it look easier than it was, but the mental struggle is real. 

Still, more tv shows, movies, exposure shows it and while it might not be more accepted than in the past, it seems more tolerated. That sounds horrible, but probably true. The 2016 election until now has just been eye-opening on the hate that is really out there.  ....and I might be sugar-coating it when I say 'tolerated'. 

I think some people are coming out to spite the likes of the GOP, but the other half are hiding due to the likes of the GOP. It's hard to believe that conversion therapy is still a discussion topic, but it is. In Ohio, the Right is vilifying Sherrod Brown of his stance / votes for anything pro-trans for 'children'. They stop short of having sex change operations in schools, but just barely. 

I can see why anyone of any age wouldn't want to come out at this point. I can also see why they would - just for the proverbial middle finger. 

I've working  my way through Ted Lasso. Yes, that seems like a leap, but stick with me. And stick with the clip - it's long. There are shorter versions, but I think the longer doesn't cut out some parts that are important that do not appear in the other clips. 

And the character of Ted tends to have rambling stories, that first annoyed me but have become very endearing, so please stick with it when one of the professional football team comes out. 

The clip starts after it is inferred Colin has just come out to the team. You can search for before and after clips should you want, but this is the one that speaks to coming out and the support one should have. 

I've seen it a number of times, each one makes me tear up. 

Song by: Faith No More


James Dwight Williamson said...

I believe it gets better , not sure if it gets easier. Younger kids will be better adults than what my peer group grew into.

Anonymous said...

Great clip. That show is just so dang wholesome and sweet.