You'd think not posting these troll memes last week that I'd have twice as many this go-round.
You'd be wrong.
I only have so much mental capacity to take in some of this shit - and honestly, it doesn't take a lot to make me feel like I'm a crash test dummy (not the Canadian band) hitting the proverbial, and actual, wall.
It's amazing - and frightening - to me that we have 16 days left.
So I'll start off with this one......though the timing is a bit off now.
There is no bar low enough where almost 50% of the people won't vote for him.
I cannot imagine any scenario that would turn these people away. Seriously. There is not one thing he could do to make these folks go "ehhhhhh.....maybe not".
Am I wrong? If so, can you think of one thing?
This one is not an either / or scenario.
He should put tariffs on these.
Lips puckered. Tongue extended. Now.
Honestly, I snagged this to possibly send to my friend acquaintance, Lester, who is a hard hard hard BLOTUS supporter. Keeps giving the guy rope
His son is an almost non-functioning autistic "kid" (like 28 years old).
I was going to send it and say, "wow, if Kamala's a retard, what does that make Jackie?"
Harsh? Absolutely. But how can he possibly admonish me for saying it when he won't for the things BLOTUS say or how he mocked a disabled reporter? I haven't done it. Yet. But I am SO tempted.
Who the fuck are you kidding - Eric probably worked the merch tent selling those flags. The red ones, not the BLOTUS ones.
I mean, the priests rape kids - you think below the belt digs or swearing is going to keep them from voting for this fraud? THEY. ALLOW. RAPING. CHILDREN.
100% correct.
The non-answer is assumed.
The not holding him to one is deplorable. But it's Fox. So, it's accepted.
Song by: Lori Carson
Early vote for me is tomorrow the 21st . I will also drop my mother’s absentee ballot in the drop box. My political contributions are done. Kamala let’s go ! I’ve done my part.
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