Sunday, September 10, 2006


Yet another installment in the drudgery that is everyday shopping. The camera-phone makes it a bit more fun - though I get looks whenever I take pics of products. Like I care what people think!

It's been months since I've posted a Shopping with Blobby segment. I've never been thrilled w/the grocery store chore. I guess me not having to go is one of the perks of Denton being out of work.

This might be stretching the 'shopping' part - but I was in a party store, as we acquire supplies ("supplies! supplies!") for my parent's 50th anniversary party. I'm not sure I've ever been to a party supply store - so had no idea all the crap they sold. I've decided these costumes were amusing at first, but just kind of lame overall.

The good ones are a little more imaginative. I remember back to fall of 1982. A young Blobby was in scrubs, carrying a hanger...along with a plastic bag w/broken eggs mixed with a little catsup.

Oh before you judge - keep in mind there was a staunch republican in the White House who'd have done anything to set-back woman's reproductive rights. But that was 24 years go. At our leaders have progressed so far beyond that now. ........oh.....wait.

If you're good - and I mean REALLY good - I might just post those 1982 pics closer to all Hallow's eve.

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