Tuesday, August 01, 2006


...you decide.

In my REM state (rapid eye movement - not 'World Leader Pretend' mode. ...think about it. think about it....), I go into a pet store. But you have to sign-in when you go into this pet store. Stranger yet, the people working the sign-in desk are Paris Hilton & Nicole Ritchie. eeeek. The two most over-exposed tramps television has seen since...well.....ever. I feel even a little dirty that I had to search for a picture of them.

Scanning the store - though I have no idea what I was there for in the first place - there is a giant octopus slithering down the wall. Creeped me out - even more than the two whores at the sign-in desk. ...and I know that's an insult to whores but...........

But as 'we're' walking towards a certain aisle (I have no idea who 'we' are - I just know I was not there by myself), I encounter two men. One who is a Cyclops. Yes, you heard me. One eye. Dead center of the face. Naturally, I get out my cellphone to take a pic, but the other guy grabs it from me after I snap it.

Then I woke up. Damn this heat! Like my dreams aren't f'ed up enough!

1 comment:

Blobby said...

Mother, Jugs & Speed? No.
ummm....One Million Years B.C.? No.

just kidding - I always get them mixed up but it's either Fantastic Voyage or Incredible Journey