Monday, December 05, 2005

War & Peace

I am constantly struck by the stubborness that is our current administration and their lack of logic in ending what we've gotten ourselves into. We are in a war we cannot win (let's not even get into IF we should or HOW we got into it) - yet the heels are dug in and thousands will die (currently dead: 2131 in Iraq, 246 in Afganistan) due to Shrub, Dick and Rummy's inability to see the we will never 'win' this.

You know - to set a timeline to leave Iraq is demoralizing to the troops. Not setting a timeline is demoralizing to the country. Both countries. And to Shrub's poll numbers.

Kitties make everything better!


Anonymous said...

30 seconds of NPR this morning re: the war made me feel sick. How "we're" working on bringing the Iraqi banking system up to date. Why the F*** are we over there if not for oil and money and avenging Daddy?

I'm angry all over again.

Anonymous said...

You know that kitty is just photo-shopped over an Iraqi detainee who this soldier is sodomizing with a cattle prod.