Sunday, December 11, 2005


So, I was checking my Real Age (see the big orange circle and click on it!!!.

Overall, I know my health is ok, but probably just ok. This just confirmed it. Chronoglically I am 42.4 years old. Healthwise I am 41.9. I'm sure my lack of physical activity is killing that score. It seems I need more folic acid and vitamin C & E (HEY!! I take a multivitamin!!!!).

Reduce my red meat consumption to one time per week??? To only 4oz? I only really eat red meat 1-2 times per week as it is. 10 items containing cooked tomatoes is recommended. I think one pizza per day is called for.

The plan on how to get healthier goes on and on. And on.

I guess it could be worse. My real age could be 57.6.

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