Sunday, December 25, 2005

There Is A War Going On People!

The one in Iraq?? Don't be silly. The war over Christmas! How DARE someone not say 'Merry Christmas' at every stop I make after decorations go up on October 14th!!!! The lives being lost overseas are nothing compared to the infidels who won't acknowledge the birth of some people's l-rd and saviour.

I was doing so well at blogging daily this month...or almost every day. But the holidays, parties, friends, family - well.....they kind of distract you from a blog entry or two. Having friends over was the nicest present - even if all could not be here (they were in spirit and conversations).

Alas, much of it is done and we might get a day or so of relaxing in before heading back to work.


Anonymous said...

Very nice way of saying you talked about us!

Anonymous said...

We most certainly did NOT! I mean - not in the bad sense.

Morty & I were forced to relive our trip stories to Houston and New Orleans (14 yrs ago, I might add). Had you been there - you would have just added to it w/the L.A. stories. EEEEEEK