After the post published I was at the gym before the crack of dawn and worked out hard. Cardio. Weights. Stretching. Shower.
Never discount the feeling of a good shower.
Since my stress fracture, cardio and stretching have all I've been doing. I reintroduced some weights with PT, but a lot of that went to the side when I was rehabbing and just focused on recovery.
The rest of my day was staying at home and looking after a still recovering Shep - more on that with the Saturday post, but believe me, the post from yesterday included some of that angst as well.
710 stayed home for part of the morning but then headed to the office. I told him I would skip running last evening so he wouldn't have to rush home to keep tabs on the doggo.
He insisted I go run. He knows me well enough to know I (and he) would be better if I continued to workout and get my endolphins.
Honestly, I was looking for a reason to skip the 4 mile run. It was going to be in the teens and dark and as I've said before, when depression hits, it is REALLY easy to skip activities. With his correct insistence, I geared up and went.
Eventually, I'm glad I did. The gym doesn't always get me out of my head, but running does. As I've said before, I'm not good enough of a runner not to have to think about it constantly while it is happening.
And for as long as I've done this, I always forget one of the first truisms of running: the first mile is always a lie.
This first mile sucked. The cold air spurred my asthma. Blech. I thought, I'll just do three miles. But at 1.5 my breathing was better (not good) but my stride really picked up. My thing is not really about catching up with and passing people in my group. I'm happy just to keep up. Yet here I was passing some really good runners.
I'd end up in the top half of all out there and I even finished before all the folks who opted for only three miles. My time was the best it's been since I've been back and I even stopped briefly.
As I sit here and type this, I feel better than the few days before this. I know it won't last, but it is a nice respite from what has been a constant barrage of bad news and my overall feeling of dread.
Ok. Time to wrap up. Have to be at the gym at 05:30.
Song by: Soul II Soul
Keep it moving !
I remember that feeling, for me it was about half way up Park Avenue in Winter Park, keep up the feeling.
You married very well. A man who understands that you need time and space for your mutual well being...for everything else there's Mastercard.
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