Sunday, February 02, 2025

I'm Going Out Tonight

Groundhog day and I'm on repeat. 

I had a post my head. And then dry January ended. 

While it did, I had one full beer last night. Hardly the big falling off the wagon. 

It was the Old Man's Running Group annual banquet. 

The idea is nice and all, but not a lot of folks were there, and almost none that weren't at the bakery at 10:00 that same morning.  ....and I'm running with many of them this morning. 

I stayed for two of the four hours, had one of my two beers and that was enough. 

So I ducked out early and came home. My threshold for socializing is very limited at times. 

I'll reschedule what I had in mind for today for this upcoming week. 

Song by: Mary Chapin Carpenter


James Dwight Williamson said...

Sounds like fun . 😎

Travel said...

Putting in the appearance counts, 20 minutes is often better than four hours.