Thursday, June 29, 2006

THOU SHALT on...give me a minute...

I love the Daily Show. I've said that here before. I loved Steven Colbert. He is great in limited doses, which is why he worked so perfectly on said show. I have not been able to get into his show. (though he was always funny in Strangers w/Candy!)

I have seen something on the web about an interview he had done w/congressman Lynn Westmoreland, a republican from Georgia. Of course, in true GOP fashion, he focuses on things that supposebly tug at one or more of the diversions hot topics that the far right most Americans find to be the biggest issues our country faces : Iraq Flag burning, economy gay marriage and/or national healthcare the 10 Commandments.

As I flipped channels (which I am apt to do), I actually came across the interview I had read about. Dumbass picks the latter topic to sponsor a bill about. Hilarity does ensue! Ruckiry (not Jon's boss), You Tube had it out there.

Enjoy. I know I did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Priceless!!! He even named one that isn't one - thou shalt not lie didn't make Casey Kasem's top 10.