Saturday, June 03, 2006


Ok....actually you don't.

I continue to open mail from a former tenant of the former owner of our house (c'mon Alberto Gonzalez.......come and get me!). If you remember from a previous post the former tenant is seemingly on a major right right right wing list. Of course, middle of the road conservatives, to me, are the FAR right.

So this mailing is for Greg Parke, who is running for U.S. Senate in Vermont. The letter starts off like this....

It was May 24, 2001. That's the day Sen. Jim Jeffords of Vermont stole a Republican Senate seat. You haven't forgotten, have you?

...and it goes downhill from there. Words and phrases include: malicious orbetrayed or turned his back on and willingly handed liberal Democrats control of the U.S. Senate.. Not unlike that last WV GOPer I blogged about (who btw...lost their primary), the letter is four pages long! I know I have a short attention span - but the most attentive person you would have lost in a two page letter (me: it just takes one page).

Mind you - Jeffords isn't running in this election, but why not dredge up something like that. Are there swift boats in Vermont? And you see how well that Jeffords' defection gave the Democrats sooooooo much control of the Senate! IF you can find a 'liberal Democrat' in the senate....a true one who won't move to the middle to keep their seat or to not seem unpatriotic, PLEASE show them to me.

btw....Greg is 100% pro-life!!! Though he doesn't mention it - anyone care to wager he's pro-death penalty. And wouldn't that cancel out his 100% pro-life stance?

Ugh. Maybe it's not the way I should have started my Saturday morning.

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