Tuesday, January 31, 2006


One month down - 11 more to go.

The holidays seemed like a lifetime ago. Summer seems like a lifetime away. Not to be too philosophical (or morbid) about the entire thing but........................I woke up this morning w/the 'why bother' attitude. (Sorry Dith - didn't mean to steal your thunder!)

I mean - so I get up and go to work. Why? Forced to go to work to pay for things until I die. Who the f*#% came up w/this system??? Is this our greatest meaning/purpose in life?

With all the creation in the endless and expanding universe - the miracle of space/time and here we are in the salt mines (but not the WV coal mines!). I mean - I do have it better than many. I'm not cleaning septic tanks for a living or anything.

I'm not so sure the dozens of theories that surround Lost are way off. Maybe this isn't life. Maybe it is our afterlife. Our purgatory. Or our hell.

Maybe it's just performance evaluation time and I have to write and administer 22 of them. I guess that shouldn't be ruled out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"ha ha"

In my best Nelson Muntz voice.