Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Monday Moaning etc

"Why are so many people, including clergy, raising a fuss about 'The Da Vinci Code' movie? Hello? It's based on a novel, which means it's fiction."

It's been awhile since I've done a Monday Moaning. They just haven't been Grandpa Simpson-y enough. This one isn't either - but it brings up a bigger thought(s). The Da Vinci Code is a novel. But in my estimation, for the most part, so is the bible. It's a great work of fiction.

Critics, consumers and Oprah (ha!) sit here and criticize James Frey for his work: A memoir. (disclaimer: I've never read James Frey and could care less about anything he puts to paper.) Apparently memoirs are based on experiences as the author remembers it. They need not to have everything corroborated. So in theory - all autobiographies are memoirs unless you have a factual basis for everything that hits the page. If not everything - then what is the threshold that makes the work 'true'?

....and where does this leave the bible? Stories handed down over decades or centuries before being put to paper. Stories that have no basis in fact. Stories - if exact same events were told today (i.e. parting of the Red Sea, fish and loaves, water to wine) would be written off by the 24 news cycle as looney news items. People claiming to be the 'son of g-d' would be given psychiatric evaluations and written off as nutso.

All these bible-reading, jesus-believing, g-d fearing folks all assume they will know 'him' when he comes again....b/c after all they are good christians (don't get me started on that oxymoron!). But they won't. They look for Mary in grilled cheese sammiches and on the sides of water towers and in underpasses. Now who is the fucking nutso?

....and THAT people is how you write a Monday Moaning!

As Lionel Hutz would say: "I rest my case!......What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. CASE CLOSED!"

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