Saturday, April 22, 2006

C.I.A. Fires Senior Officer Over Leaks

Published: April 22, 2006
WASHINGTON, April 21 Â? The Central Intelligence Agency has dismissed a senior career officer for disclosing classified information to reporters, including material for Pulitzer Prize-winning articles in The Washington Post about the agency's secret overseas prisons for terror suspects, intelligence officials said Friday.

Oh the irony!!! If it weren't so sad, it'd be laughable. But personally the woman should be getting some freedom medal.

Shrub should take a look at how the C.I.A. handled it and well.......I himself. You know for all the crap about the 'liberal media' - where are all the outraged stories, not so much that Bush declassified info on Plame to have Dick and Scooter get it out there - but to pretend like he knew nothing of it....until found out?? The fact that he put up the farce of 'if found out, he'll deal w/any leak'. Good l-rd!

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