Thursday, February 23, 2006

Paul and Frank are NOT Gay !!!!!

Overall, my blog is pretty PG-13. Sometimes borderline R.

It's never NC-17. Well - never say never. But a friend supplied me with a video that I have debated whether or not to share. I can't offend the masses if I don't get masses visiting my site - can I? We're only talking 2 dozen hits per day. I've opted to share.

That being said - I'm not out to offend the masses. Besides my occasional rant - let's face it - I'm in it for the humour. This my dear readers is meant for the humour.

Let's start of w/this:

* This video clip is not suitable for work! (Maybe if you have a private office - w/your door shut and volume down. Maybe!)

* This video clip contains some pixilated nudity and simulated sex acts.

* This video clip contains some vulgar language and derogatory comments.

* This video clip requires Quicktime for viewing.

* This video is funny as hell.

1 comment:

Blobby said...

Hi Eileen! Hi Jim!!!!

I left about 4 kerjillion disclaimers.